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    Difference Between VPS and VDS: A Comparison of the Two Server Types

    “VPS or VDS?” — this is a tough question for anyone looking to upgrade their business’s hosting. Users often get confused between the two as understanding their differences could be difficult to ask for non-tech-savvy people.
    In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about VPS and VDS. 
    Before we talk about their differences, it’s important to know about virtualization, as that’s the technology both these server types are based on.

    What is virtualization?

    Let’s say you have a powerful computer that can serve as a backend server for multiple projects at once. But as the computer has only one instance of hardware, you can only use it for one project at a time. 
    That’s where virtualization comes into play. 
    With virtualization, you can create virtual machines (VMs) for each of the projects you want to use the computer for. By doing so, you can allocate your computer’s resources to multiple projects at once, letting you make the most out of the hardware you own.
    VPS and VDS, both are based on the technology of virtualization but are different in the way they handle resource allocation.

    The difference between VPS and VDS

    At the end-user level, it’s almost impossible to notice the difference between VPS and VDS. But when you get into the technicalities, there are some key differences. To help you understand the differences, here’s an in-depth description of each type.

    Virtual Private Server (VPS)

    A Virtual Private Server (VPS) uses a virtualization layer to share system resources between different operating systems. Every OS installed on the server can utilize the full resources of the system. However, the performance of each OS might differ based on how many others are running at the same time. When there are multiple OS running, the resources are divided by a larger number, affecting the performance of each OS The benefit of VPS is easy scalability. Whenever you upgrade the hardware of your server, the new resources are automatically shared among all the running operating systems.

    Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS)

    As the name suggests, a Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) uses a virtualization layer that makes it seem like the OS is running on dedicated hardware, even when it’s not. This is made possible by predefining how much resources each OS is going to get. For instance, if you use your VDS to run two operating systems, the VDS will allocate half of each resource to each OS. That means ½ of your HDD space, CPU power, and RAM is allocated to each of the two operating systems. Each operating systems perform expectedly at all times, no matter whether the other OS is running or not. Now that you know the differences between VPS and VDS, it’s time for you to go out there and get a hosting that fits your needs — and that’s where Zomro comes into play. Zomro offers high-performance, low-cost VPS and VDS hosting solutions that you can rely on. Check out Zomro’s offering right now by clickinghere.