opened image

    Creating an Image

    To create an image, execute the following request:



    Method: POST

    Request Body (Form-data):

    Parameter Example Value Required Parameter Value Description
    func v2.image.order.param Yes Function to create a schedule for creating a backup
    auth 21fc199...c43f71 No Session token. This is one of the authorization options. More details on other options can be found here
    out json Yes Expected response type
    sok ok Yes Operation confirmation
    image_type image Yes Type of created element. Available value - image
    skipbasket on Yes It is recommended to specify "on", as in the case of "off", the image will not be created
    image_name MyImage Yes Image name
    region Netherlands-2 Yes Data center where the image will be saved
    min_disk 1 Yes Minimum disk size in GB required in the instance to use the image
    min_ram 1 Yes Minimum RAM size in GB required in the instance to use the image
    disk_format iso Yes Type of image to create. Available parameters: "iso", "ami", "ari", "aki", "vhd", "vmdk", "raw", "qcow2", "vdi".
    os_distro ubuntu Yes Name of the OS for which the image is being created
    os_version 22 No OS version
    architecture x86_64 Yes OS architecture. Available parameters: "x86_64", "i686", "ia64"
    url Yes Direct link to the image
    protected on Yes Whether to allow deleting the image. Available parameters: "on", "off"
    pricelist 6854 Yes Service ID corresponding to the image service
    order_period -50 Yes Order period. For the image service type, only daily payment is used


    Example of creating an image

    For example, let's create an image from Ubuntu 24.04




    Method: POST

    Request Body (Form-data):

    Parameter Value
    func v2.image.order.param
    auth 21fc199...c43f71
    out json
    sok ok
    image_type image
    skipbasket on
    image_name Ubuntu24
    region Netherlands-2
    min_disk 1
    min_ram 1
    disk_format iso
    os_distro ubuntu
    os_version 24
    architecture x86_64
    protected on
    pricelist 6854
    order_period -50


    Here is an example request that can be executed from the console:


    curl --location '' \
    --form 'func="v2.image.order.param"' \
    --form 'auth="0f6744198ec41bb23fe1c923"' \
    --form 'out="json"' \
    --form 'sok="ok"' \
    --form 'image_type="image"' \
    --form 'skipbasket="on"' \
    --form 'image_name="Ubuntu24"' \
    --form 'region="Netherlands-2"' \
    --form 'min_disk="1"' \
    --form 'min_ram="1"' \
    --form 'disk_format="iso"' \
    --form 'os_distro="ubuntu"' \
    --form 'os_version="22"' \
    --form 'architecture="x86_64"' \
    --form 'url=""' \
    --form 'protected="on"' \
    --form 'pricelist="6854"' \
    --form 'order_period="-50"'


    After executing the request, we see that the image creation has started. The current status is "Saving":


    After the image is created, the status will change from "Saving" to "Active":


     How to Get a List of All Images Using the API



    To do this, execute the following request format:


    Method: POST

    Request Body (Form-data):

    Parameter Example Value Required Parameter Value Description
    func image Yes Function to get all images
    auth 21fc199...c43f71 No Session token. This is one of the authorization options. More details on other options can be found here
    out json Yes Expected response type

    Let's try to execute the following request in the console:

    curl --location '' \
    --form 'func="image"' \
    --form 'auth="1176dc887b147a3eb1da748e"' \
    --form 'out="json"'

    We get the following result:

        "doc": {
            "elem": [
                    "abusesuspend": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "architecture": {
                        "$": "x86_64"
                    "archived": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "autosuspend": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "billdaily": {
                        "$": "on"
                    "billhourly": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "change_pl": {
                        "$": "0"
                    "change_pricelist": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "changepolicy": {
                        "$": "2"
                    "cost": {
                        "$": "0.00 EUR / Day"
                    "costperiod": {
                        "$": "-50"
                    "createdate": [
                            "$": "2024-07-24"
                            "$": "2024-07-24"
                    "currency_id": {
                        "$": "153"
                    "currency_str": {
                        "$": "EUR"
                    "description": {},
                    "disk_format": {
                        "$": "iso"
                    "employeesuspend": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "expiredate": {
                        "$": "Daily charges"
                    "fleio_id": {
                        "$": "802c0ad6-c918-4769-8111-0a165a076ca4"
                    "fleio_status": {
                        "$": "Active"
                    "has_ip_pricelist": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "hypervisor_type": {
                        "$": "Any hypervisor"
                    "i_expiretime": {
                        "$": "14:44:24                },
                    "i_opentime": {
                        "$": "15:45:12"
                    "id": {
                        "$": "5206258"
                    "image_name": {
                        "$": "Ubuntu24"
                    "image_size": {
                        "$": "3"
                    "image_type": {
                        "$": "Image"
                    "intname": [
                            "$": "image"
                            "$": "image"
                    "it_accurate_billing": {
                        "$": "no"
                    "item_cost": {
                        "$": "0.0000"
                    "item_real_status": {
                        "$": "2"
                    "item_status": {
                        "$color": "green",
                        "$orig": "2",
                        "$": "Active"
                    "itemtype": {
                        "$": "27163"
                    "min_disk": {
                        "$": "1"
                    "min_ram": {
                        "$": "1"
                    "module_failed": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "module_upload_doc": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "name": {
                        "$": "Image #5206258"
                    "no_instruction": {
                        "$": "on"
                    "order_disabled": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "os_distro": {
                        "$": "Ubuntu"
                    "os_version": {
                        "$": "22"
                    "period": {
                        "$": "-50"
                    "pmmodule": {
                        "$": "pmimagemodule"
                    "price_on_request": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "pricelist": {
                        "$": "Image"
                    "pricelist_id": {
                        "$": "6854"
                    "processingmodule_failed": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "processingnode": {},
                    "protected": {
                        "$orig": "on",
                        "$": "Enable"
                    "real_expiredate": {
                        "$": "2024-07-25"
                    "region": {
                        "$": "Netherlands-2"
                    "scheduledclose": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_changepassword": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_domain_validation_button": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_hardreboot": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_movetovdc": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_reboot": {
                        "$": "on"
                    "show_supportpassword": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_vdc_loadbalancer": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_vdc_network": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_vdc_router": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_vdc_vm": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_vdc_volume": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "show_webconsole": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "specialstatus": {
                        "$": "0"
                    "stat_enabled": {
                        "$": "on"
                    "status": {
                        "$": "2"
                    "subaccount": {
                        "$": "351336"
                    "sync_feature": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "transition": {
                        "$": "off"
                    "visibility": {
                        "$": "Private"


    We are interested in the data obtained in the following nesting:



    To edit an image, execute the following request:


    Method: POST

    Request Body (Form-data):

    Parameter Example Value Required Parameter Value Description
    func image.edit Yes Function to edit the image
    auth 21fc199...c43f71 No Session token. This is one of the authorization options. More details on other options can be found here
    out json Yes Expected response type
    elid 5206258 Yes Image ID. This value can be obtained in the response to the request to get all images
    image_name Ubuntu24_new No Image name
    min_disk 2 No Minimum disk size required in the instance to use this image
    min_ram 3 No Minimum RAM size required in the instance to use this image
    os_distro altlinux No OS name
    os_version 8 No OS version
    architecture x86_64 No Image architecture
    protected off No Whether the image can be deleted

    Let's try to execute the following request in the console:

    curl --location '' \
    --form 'func="image.edit"' \
    --form 'auth="00bef0b977845f71a1583a2c"' \
    --form 'out="json"' \
    --form 'sok="ok"' \
    --form 'elid="5206258"' \
    --form 'image_name="Ubuntu24_new"' \
    --form 'min_disk="2"' \
    --form 'min_ram="3"' \
    --form 'os_distro="altlinux"' \
    --form 'os_version="8"' \
    --form 'architecture="x86_64"' \
    --form 'protected="on"'

    After executing the request, you can verify that the image data has changed:


    Deleting an Image


    To delete an image, execute the following request:


    Method: POST

    Request Body (Form-data):

    Parameter Example Value Required Parameter Value Description
    func image.delete Yes Function to delete the image
    auth 21fc199...c43f71 No Session token. This is one of the authorization options. More details on other options can be found here
    out json Yes Expected response type
    elid 5206258 Yes Image ID. This value can be obtained in the response to the request to get all images

    Let's try to execute the following request in the console:

    curl --location '' \
    --form 'func="image.delete"' \
    --form 'auth="9f467da30d0bd6c56fed1b58"' \
    --form 'out="json"' \
    --form 'elid="5206258"'

    It is also worth noting that to delete an image, the "protected" status must be set to "off".

    After executing the request, we see the successful deletion of the image.


    We also suggest studying articles that may be useful for interacting with Cloud VPS products using the API: