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How to connect to SSTP VPN from Windows 10

Creating and configuring an SSTP VPN client in Windows 10

The article is a continuation of the article about configuring SSTP VPN server over SoftEther VPN in Docker, which can be found here:

Here I will tell you how to set up and connect to an SSTP VPN server and while i will be connection to the SoftEther VPN server, this article is suitable for any SSTP VPN connections, not only for connections to a server based on SoftEther VPN.


1. Add a certificate to the system.

First you need to download the "server_cert.pem" certificate from the server to your computer, that was previously created during SSTP VPN-server configuration in previous article. Link

Next, you need to place the downloaded certificate in the trusted certificate store, how to do this is described here:


2. VPN-client configuration.

After the certificate is added, go to the VPN settings, for this click on the Start menu button in the lower left corner of the screen and then select the Settings option

Next select Network & Internet:


Then go to VPN -> Add VPN Connection


In the next pop-up window, you need to enter the data similar to the example on the screenshot below:


VPN Provider: Select the Windows option (Built-in)

Connection name: you can enter any connection name

Server name or address: specify your domain that is pointed to the VPN server

VPN type: select the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) option

Type of sign-in info: select the option User name and password

User name (optional): enter the username that was previously set in the CUSER variable

Password (optional): enter the password you specified earlier in the CUSER_PASS variable


Click the Save button to create the connection.


3. Connecting to the VPN

Next, select the newly created connection and click the Connect button to connect.


If everything is correct, the VPN is activated, the status will change to "Connected"



Now, you can login to for checking the IP address.

If on this website you see the the IP address of the VPN server in opposite to the IP address of your computer, that means that the VPN is activated and working correctly.