opened image

    When ordering a service on the Zomro platform, it is necessary to follow several important steps: adding the service to the cart, activating a promo code (if available), and directly purchasing the service. These steps allow for effective use of the promo code functionality during the order. To place an order, it is necessary to pass certain parameters of the service, the details of which are presented below.

    The process of creating an order consists of the following stages:

    • Adding the service to the cart
    • Activating the promo code
    • Purchasing the service from the cart

    Using these specific stages of purchase allows for the use of a promo code during the order.

    To create an order, you need to pass the parameters of the service that interest us. How to obtain the available parameters is described here


    Request structure for placing an order for the Cloud VPS service from Zomro:


    Method: POST

    Request body (Form-data):

    Parameter Example value Required parameter Description of the value
    func v2.instances.order.param Yes Function for ordering the service
    auth 21fc199...c43f71 No Session token. This is one of the authorization options. More details on other options are described here
    out json No In what format to expect a response from the API
    sok ok Yes Confirmation of the operation
    order_period -50 Yes For cloudvps services, daily billing is used. To purchase the service, use the value: -50, 1, 3, 6, 12.
    -50 - daily billing, 1 - ordering the service for 1 month, 3 - ordering for 3 months, and so on.
    licence_agreement on Yes Corresponds to the agreement with the license for use
    pricelist 6740 Yes ID of the tariff to be ordered. The tariff ID can be obtained from the function v2.instances.order.pricelist. More details on how to use it are described here
    order_count 1 Yes The number of services that can be ordered in one request
    force_use_new_cart on Yes Adding the service to a new billmanager cart
    instances_ssh_keys 490 No ID of the SSH key to be added to the server after the OS installation. Do not pass if the parameter use_ssh_key=off
    password Mypassword1 No Access password to the server. In the case of Linux - password for the root user. In the case of Windows - password for the Administrator user. Do not pass if the parameter use_ssh_key=on.
    Also, the password must contain at least 1 uppercase English letter, 1 numeric character, and a minimum of 8 characters.  
    servername MyServer No Custom server name
    instances_os 18d0ee2e-4d57-4f40-9b56-03c1773b5831 Yes UID of the operating system to be installed. The UID of the operating system can be obtained from the function v2.instances.order.pricelist. More details on how to use it are described here
    use_ssh_key off No Whether to use an SSH key or not. Can take values off or on.


    No Additional parameters of the service. Can be RAM, number of CPUs, disk size, traffic volume, type of IPv4 or IPv6. Available parameters depend on the tariff. To find out which options are available, you can refer to the example described here


    Yes Datacenter number. To find out which options are available, you can refer to the example described here
    backups_schedule on No Creating a backup schedule at the time of creating a backup
    backups_schedule_name MyBackup Yes, if the value backups_schedule is used Name of the backup creation schedule
    backups_schedule_rotation_days 1,2,3,4,5,6,0 Yes, if the value backups_schedule is used On which days to create backups. The week starts on Sunday, which has ID - 0. Accordingly, Monday has the value 1. The other days of the week have corresponding values.
    backups_schedule_rotation_time 04:20 Yes, if the value backups_schedule is used At what time to create a backup



    Example of ordering a service

    For example, we will use the Cloud Essential tariff with the Linux Ubuntu 20.04 OS, a server only with IPv6, and using the root user password.


    Method: POST


    Request body (Form-data):

    Parameter Value
    func v2.instances.order.param
    auth 21fc199...c43f71
    out json
    sok ok
    order_period -50
    licence_agreement on


    order_count 1
    password MyPassword1
    servername MyServer-1


    use_ssh_key off



    force_use_new_cart on
    datacenter 13


    Here is an example of a request that can be executed from the console:

    curl --location '' \
    --form 'func="v2.instances.order.param"' \
    --form 'auth="211a9ac6309a9f0c340bdebf"' \
    --form 'out="json"' \
    --form 'sok="ok"' \
    --form 'order_period="-50"' \
    --form 'licence_agreement="on"' \
    --form 'use_ssh_key="off"' \
    --form 'pricelist="6740"' \
    --form 'servername="MyServer-1"' \
    --form 'password="Mypassword1"' \
    --form 'instances_os="479c96f1-ccc6-47a2-952c-c9e3bbdc8d07"' \
    --form 'order_count="1"' \
    --form 'addon_6746="260"' \
    --form 'datacenter="13"' \
    --form 'force_use_new_cart="on"'


    After executing the request, we need the data that is located in the following nesting:



    Here are the values obtained as a result of executing the request:

    "": {
        "$": "1818"



    This value "1818", which is the order number in the cart, is needed for further activation of the service. We will remember it for future use.


    After executing this request, the existing product can also be seen in the cart.


    The next step will be to activate the promo code, if one is present. This step is not mandatory, but if the client has a promo code, it would be great to have the opportunity to use it.


    Method: POST

    Request body (Form-data):

    Parameter Example value Required parameter Description of the value
    func cart Yes Function name for working with the cart
    auth 21fc199...c43f71 No Session token. This is one of the authorization options. More details on other options are described here
    out json No In what format to expect a response from the API
    sok ok Yes Confirmation of the operation
    promocode PROMO_2024 Yes The promo code that is planned to be used. 
    clicked_button apply_promocode Yes Confirmation of the promo code activation


    Here is an example of a request that can be executed from the console:

    curl --location '' \
    --form 'out="json"' \
    --form 'auth="46ffb314c8d46ec1f2f1df16"' \
    --form 'func="cart"' \
    --form 'promocode="PROMO_2024"' \
    --form 'sok="ok"' \
    --form 'clicked_button="apply_promocode"'


    After executing this request, the result of the promo code activation can be seen in the cart:



    In the image, it can be seen that the promo code PROMO_2024 has been successfully activated. 
    PS: In reality, the promo code PROMO_2024 is not valid in your case; it was created solely for writing this instruction.

    The next step will be to activate the service.

    In case the promo code does not provide a 100% discount, it is necessary to additionally pay for the service from the personal account. 

    Let's consider the situation where the promo code does not cover 100% of the service cost. The API request will look as follows:


    Method: POST

    Request body (Form-data):

    Parameter Example value Required parameter Description of the value
    func cartorder.create.confirm Yes Function for working with the cart
    auth 21fc199...c43f71 No Session token. This is one of the authorization options. More details on other options are described here
    out json No In what format to expect a response from the API
    sok ok Yes Confirmation of the operation
    elid 1818 Yes Order ID. This value is obtained when adding the service to the cart
    paymethod_id 0 Yes Payment method ID. The value 0 is standard and corresponds to the method of paying for the order from the personal account



    Here is an example of a request that can be executed from the console:


    curl --location '' \
    --form 'out="json"' \
    --form 'auth="cd63c7832f0ae5947c49ac06"' \
    --form 'func="cartorder.create.confirm"' \
    --form 'sok="ok"' \
    --form 'elid="1818"' \
    --form 'paymethod_id="0"'



    After executing this request, the cart for this service should be empty, and in the general list of CloudVPS services, we see our service in the status "Activation in progress":



    During the activation process of the service, there are no additional actions with the service. After the service is activated, we will have a list of available actions to manage the services, such as: Start, Stop, Delete, Resize, and others.

    We also recommend studying articles that may be useful for interacting with the Cloud VPS products via the API: